Battle Angel Alita Deluxe Complete Series Box Set Review

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Mar 01, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I read this as part of a reading claiming, for which I needed to notice a volume that has a movie based on it coming out in 2019. I loved Avatar, and knew that I wanted to see Alita: Battle Angel, so this was a no brainer. I'm a graphic novel person, merely I've never really gravitated to Manga before, other than a brief infatuation with Planetes, Volume 1. So it is genuinely with surprise that I need to report I fell for Gunnm *hard*, while the movie left me feeling pretty *meh*.
It wasn't a dearest-at-f
I read this as part of a reading challenge, for which I needed to observe a book that has a movie based on it coming out in 2019. I loved Avatar, and knew that I wanted to see Alita: Battle Angel, so this was a no brainer. I'm a graphic novel person, but I've never really gravitated to Manga before, other than a brief infatuation with Planetes, Book 1. So it is genuinely with surprise that I need to study I roughshod for Gunnm *hard*, while the film left me feeling pretty *meh*.
It wasn't a dear-at-commencement sight thing. The kickoff storyline of Gunnm left me yawning a little, and not terribly invested in this world. The plot felt more often than not like an excuse for fighting, and some of the more abrasive manga tropes - a sexy female atomic number 82 with no other women in sight, and a visual style that is all about whipping hair and big eyes, and world-building that seem unnecessarily weird, but bellyaching me.
But from the second story arc, my infatuation grew. A story arc which comes across as painfully emo and irritating in the moving picture, is much more mature (and yes, darker) in the manga, the very ridiculousness and immaturity of the love interest driving the plot into more poignant, non less, territory. It takes a certain flair to introduce a love interest who hijacks and rips peoples spines out for money, and the shifting moral universe that Alita/Gunnm has to navigate moves to centrestage at this point, driving character development and audience engagement for the rest of this drove. As the action scenes decrease in frequency, Kishiro gets more than innovative with panel layouts, and the simplicity and power of the art became a real describe for me. The book starts to draw (heh!) a much wider range of female characters, and the growing cast gives the sense of shifting understandings of goodies and baddies, what survival choices are acceptable and which are not, and even what strategies to create change are useful and which are not - and how you recover from a bad choice, and a devastating outcome.
And yes, it is yet manga. And so somehow this is explored through plots which are totally cheesy (just never anticipated!), worldbuilding which is both very detailed and withal based on whacky ideas about technology, and non infrequent boobs (and abs) shots. The fan service was more balmy than I expected, though, more gender equal than I expected, and not particularly irritating to me. YMMV. Oh, and a lot of whipping pilus.
I honestly could intendance less if there is a sequel to Alita: Battle Angel, but I've already bought Boxing Angel Alita: Last Order (Omnibuses). I haven't felt this invigorated effectually graphic storytelling for quite some time.

**Read for 2019 Reading Claiming #1. A book becoming a picture in 2019

...more than
Vicente Ribes
United nations buen cómic con un inicio trepidante pero que va perdiendo fuelle al terminal. La historia de una niña cyborg que acaba con asesinos esta teñida de tragedia y el final es muy impactante.
Mar xvi, 2019 rated information technology it was amazing
Круто продуманий всесвіт... цікава манга но трішки в середині затягнута...
I tin can't say anything more expressive than I should have read this decades ago, it was my failure, i I've just fixed it!

Give it a try in example you lot didn't read it in the past.

I can't say anything more expressive than I should accept read this decades ago, information technology was my failure, ane I've simply fixed information technology!

Give it a try in example you didn't read information technology in the past.

Here's another instance of me failing to empathize the hype effectually a manga series.

To sum up, I

liked enjoyed the first two volumes, then hated volumes iii and 4, and from and so on, volumes v to the end (9) were a lot of meh mixed with tons of annoyance other various things, which had my interest decrease with each passing volume.Things that bothered me, in no specific order.
— Gally'southward design. Or rather the fashion the writer drew her mouth (and that of many of the few other female characters actually),
Here'southward another instance of me declining to understand the hype around a manga series.

To sum up, I

liked enjoyed the first two volumes, then hated volumes 3 and four, and from then on, volumes 5 to the cease (9) were a lot of meh mixed with tons of annoyance other various things, which had my interest decrease with each passing volume.Things that bothered me, in no specific club.
— Gally's design. Or rather the fashion the writer drew her rima oris (and that of many of the few other female characters actually), which reminds me of how Sanbe Kei, the writer of "Erased", "For the Kid I Saw in my Dreams" (I retrieve that's the English title?) and many other titles, draws female characters' mouths and which I hate.
— Or her whole graphic symbol really. I couldn't get myself to like her in any mode. Which is kind of a bother since she's the protagonist.
— How things pop out of nowhere, starting from the motorball (volumes 3-four) and everything after that. Similar, of a sudden it goes in a certain direction to widen the universe, simply zero's actually linked. Information technology just makes information technology as if the author of a sudden wanted to draw this and had this put into the story because why the hell non.
— Composition. Non really certain if it's only in the translated version just information technology didn't seem similar it, but how at that place'due south an endless number of footnotes to explain concepts used in the serial. Also, how everytime in that location'south a new robot-thingy that appears, it needs a specific panel to explicate what information technology is. Which completely breaks the pace of the story.
— It's kinda gory. Like, drawings are quite detailed, but it seemed to me to be even more the instance when it was well-nigh dismembered bodies. And brains. Somehow there has to be lots of brains appearing.
— The fact that there'due south actual interesting ideas but they're aren't properly used. Specifically, the opposition between cyborgs and the people from "above". I don't really desire to spoil it since information technology only appears in the latest volumes (which speaks to how it'south not used), but that was the bodily interesting affair that would have been worth 9 volumes of story.
— Motorball. I merely kinda hated that and it needs to be mentioned on its own.

Still, I have to requite credits to the quality of the box set up, which is pretty rare for a French edition.

I actually left the rating at vi/10 on myanimelist, only for some reason, it equals a 2/5 rating here. Don't ask me why. 😅

Bimugdha Sarker
ব্যাটল এঞ্জেল এলিটা দেখলেন? ভাল লেগেছে? অতৃপ্তি হচ্ছে পরে কি হবে জানার জন্য?

এই যে, আদি ও অকৃত্তিম ব্যাটল এঞ্জেল এলিটা৷ মূল সিনেমা অনেক ঐতিহাসিক সিনকে ট্রিবিউট করেছে৷ যদিই স্টোরিলাইন কিছুটা ভিন্ন৷

আগেকার দিনের জাপানিজ সাই ফাই মাংগাগুলো মানুষকে ডিপ্রেশন ভরা একটা জগত উপহার দিতেই বসে থাকত৷ একেকটা রত্ন ভরা বাক্স ছিল সেসব৷ আফসোস, আজকাল এরকম পাওয়া মুশকিল৷

এর চাপ্টার ৫৩.৫ টা৷ এর পরে আরো দুটা সিরিজ আছে৷ পড়ার ইচ্ছে রাখি

মাংগাটা বাম থেকে ডানে করা ছিল৷ মেইবি ট্রানস্লেটর করে দিয়েছে৷

রেটিং ৭.৫/১০

A really dainty box group the whole beginning serial (9 volumes). I really like the pattern of the box.
Thomas Hale
Mar 21, 2018 rated it actually liked it
All ix volumes of the manga series, comprising around 2,000 pages. A classic of Japanese cyberpunk SF, with endless fans and a litany of works it influenced. The story follows the exploits of a cyborg girl with incredible talent for combat in a grim far-time to come undercity called the Scrapyard. Her adventures see her taking on various roles: vigilante, sports star, freedom fighter, assassin, mercenary - and each of the ix volumes and eight story arcs is filled with memorable supporting charac All nine volumes of the manga serial, comprising around 2,000 pages. A archetype of Japanese cyberpunk SF, with countless fans and a litany of works it influenced. The story follows the exploits of a cyborg girl with incredible talent for combat in a grim far-futurity undercity called the Scrapyard. Her adventures see her taking on various roles: vigilante, sports star, freedom fighter, assassin, mercenary - and each of the 9 volumes and 8 story arcs is filled with memorable supporting characters. The artwork starts impressive and merely improves, with Kishiro able to capture both sweeping vistas and complex, minute details (though the T&A quotient rises also). While a lot of the stories focus on ideas of humanity, or lack thereof, the most interesting lens I found to read information technology through was a political one. The world of Alita is a grotesquely unequal one, but inside that clear haves-versus-take-nots dynamic, Kishiro paints an awful lot of dash with different characters' perspectives, aspirations and ideologies. Also recurring are questions of who is allowed - and able - to weild both destructive and creative power.
On top of all of that, of course, is an enormous amount of activity. Martial arts with cyborg combatants features a staggering corporeality of detailed and grisly violence and gore, and even pocket-size conflicts can get obscenely graphic. Combined with the exaggerated, cartoonish ugliness of so many of the supporting cast, Kishiro is able to really bring out feelings of revulsion.
My praise isn't unreserved, though. While the action and fight scenes are visually impressive, the pacing tin drag, and the viscera can get dried when Alita'southward opponent has been reduced to putty only continue on fighting through some trick or other. In that location is as well, for a lot of the series, a fixation on women and girls who are "damaged" in some way: serious physical and psychological trauma are common throughout the cast, but only with the female characters is this trauma something that can be supported through paternal or romantic love. Information technology's not until Alita's operator Lou in the concluding 3rd of the series that we go a woman other than the main character who has much cocky-determination.
All that said, it's a hell of a read, even with its length (and this is just the offset Third of the Alita story!!). I tin can encounter why it was such a big hit, and so influential. Perhaps someday I'll pick upwards function 2.
May 04, 2019 rated it really liked it
This is my first manga serial and I'thousand non planning on reading any more of them, and so I don't know how to actually approximate a manga. But I take to say that the last book tied everything upwards actually well, and my 4 star goes to Kishiro's unbelievable world-edifice and conclusion on this story.
There were besides many volumes than necessary, and the story struggles to stay on the track at the last few volumes. Merely I actually liked the way the manga ended. With biblical and philosophical references, with the well-
This is my first manga series and I'one thousand non planning on reading any more of them, so I don't know how to actually gauge a manga. Only I have to say that the last volume tied everything upwards really well, and my 4 star goes to Kishiro's unbelievable globe-building and conclusion on this story.
At that place were too many volumes than necessary, and the story struggles to stay on the rail at the concluding few volumes. But I really liked the way the manga ended. With biblical and philosophical references, with the well-thought-out history of Tipheres, it exceeded my expectations.
Adam Calhoun
Jan 02, 2018 rated information technology actually liked it
Boxing Angel Alita was definitely the most consistently weird book/manga I have read in a while. The essence of cyberpunk/biopunk, every console in this manga has another Foreign and weird image. The illustration gets better and better as the series progresses merely unfortunately so does the fan service. In traditional manga fashion, the 'engineering' and 'science' doesn't actually make whatever sense and often seems pulled out of a hat at the terminal infinitesimal. Just worth information technology for the wild wackiness and sad lonel Battle Angel Alita was definitely the most consistently weird volume/manga I have read in a while. The essence of cyberpunk/biopunk, every panel in this manga has another STRANGE and weird image. The illustration gets better and better every bit the series progresses but unfortunately and then does the fan service. In traditional manga fashion, the 'technology' and 'science' doesn't actually brand any sense and oftentimes seems pulled out of a hat at the last minute. But worth it for the wild wackiness and sorry loneliness of everyone in the desolate, post-apocalyptic, technology-driven future. ...more
Viggo Pedersen
2300-ish pages of pure please! What a fantastic series! I was a bit disappointed with the last iii-4 pages of the original nine book series, simply there were other stories that followed, that furthered the story, and then non disappointed anymore. The series had everything! Can't practise anything else merely highly recommend it!!! 2300-ish pages of pure delight! What a fantastic series! I was a bit disappointed with the final 3-iv pages of the original 9 volume serial, only at that place were other stories that followed, that furthered the story, and then not disappointed anymore. The series had everything! Tin can't practise annihilation else but highly recommend it!!! ...more
Jun xiii, 2021 rated it liked it

liked the first two volumes a lot, simply the residue was just and then messy. nice fine art though.

Cesar Leon
February 09, 2019 rated it really liked it
Full of over-the-top activity sequences, larger-than-life characters, and some rewarding, incremental world-building.
Stefan Maraš
"My body is a mere vessel. Y'all cannot kill the real me. So shoot, savor the brief gustation of victory."
Barışcan Bozkurt
Başta kurgulanan dünyasını eksikliği ve tutarsızlığı olmak üzere anında kurulan ve anlamsız gelen karakter ilişkileri, bu dünyada yaşayan insanların sanki 1.bölümden itibaren var olmaları, gereksiz hissettirecek kısımlar, zaman zaman martial arts türüne bürünmesi, karakterlerin akıl olarak düşük seviyede kalması, ana karakter Alita dışındaki karakterlerin ilgi çekici bir yanlarının bulunmaması ve ortaya çıkan bazı karakterlerin çok kolay harcanabileneceğini okuyucuya hissettirmesi sebeplerinden Başta kurgulanan dünyasını eksikliği ve tutarsızlığı olmak üzere anında kurulan ve anlamsız gelen karakter ilişkileri, bu dünyada yaşayan insanların sanki one.bölümden itibaren var olmaları, gereksiz hissettirecek kısımlar, zaman zaman martial arts türüne bürünmesi, karakterlerin akıl olarak düşük seviyede kalması, ana karakter Alita dışındaki karakterlerin ilgi çekici bir yanlarının bulunmaması ve ortaya çıkan bazı karakterlerin çok kolay harcanabileneceğini okuyucuya hissettirmesi sebeplerinden ötürü beklediğimi alamadım. Açıkçası hikâye potansiyelinin çok altında işlenmiş.

2018'de çıkacak animasyon filminden beklentilerim daha fazla. James Cameron'ın ciddi değişiklikler yapacağını düşünüyorum.

Shane Hall
Aug 26, 2013 rated it really liked it
I can see now why this series is a manga cult striking, to say goose egg of why James Cameron bought the rights. The story and art both striking their stride at the beginning of the sixth volume and took off: while it all started off crude and, from a story perspective sort of disjointed, by the stop of volume vi you don't desire to put it down.

Though the connection with the "Final Society" series means the very end of this one doesn't happen (it'due south a sequel - whaddaya want?), equally a stand lonely story it left a large s

I tin can see now why this series is a manga cult hitting, to say nothing of why James Cameron bought the rights. The story and art both striking their step at the beginning of the sixth book and took off: while it all started off rough and, from a story perspective sort of disjointed, by the end of volume 6 you lot don't want to put it down.

Though the connectedness with the "Last Order" series means the very finish of this one doesn't happen (it'south a sequel - whaddaya want?), equally a stand alone story it left a big smiling on my confront and hope that maybe we can escape our karma...

Sep 12, 2016 rated information technology it was astonishing
Profound and nonetheless not pretentious. Meticulous and well-thought-out. The ending was a bit abrupt only leaves itself open to a sequel. Highly recommended.
Travis D. Crisman
Kacper Kwiatkowski
Horváth Eszter

Other books in the serial

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